

2/4/24 Summer Information Session


Where: Fremont Main Library


01/06/24 New Year's Day Tea Party

2024 中国节庆相关活动如:元旦茶话会

When: 1/6/2024 星期六 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Where: 809 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA




侨路基金会代表袁文、海外抗战纪念馆代表李竞芬、华埠历史文化协会代表Nancy Yu、翰林文教基金会代表高颂、美国湖南联谊会主席欧阳飞鹏等纷纷介绍自己的组织。

民选官员嘉宾有Millbrae 市长冯嘉辉;联合市副市长王耀明;旧金山第三选区市议员参选人Sharon Lai ; 退休警察局委员Larry Yee均参加了座谈会,大家鼓励同学们要成为「part of voice」。

学生程冠翔分享暑期在海外抗日战争纪念馆实习的心得,及现在在学校推动的计划;学生Frank Shau分享在张纯如公园清扫的经验。



10/14/23 Walk to End Alzheimer's

2023 Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Silicon Valley

When: 10/14/2023 星期六8:00 to 2:00

Where: Lake Cunningham Park (2305 S. White Road, San Jose, CA 95148)



08/27/23 Almond and Walnut Picking


When: 8/27/2023 星期天 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Where: Fongsong Ranch, 11799 Twin City Road, Herald, CA

一年一度的杏仁(Almond )收成季節又到了,美国大杏仁是富含维生素E及抗氧化物质的健康食品,但很少有人知道,全世界杏仁产量的80%来自美国加利福尼亚州。我们的好朋友林一峰夫妇长期支持公益组织,今年将再次开放自己农场给大家采收Almond,同时捐款资助侨路基金会、Civic Leadership Academy,翰林文教基金会等公益组织。

08/12/23 Chinese Sports Conference


When: 8/12/2023 星期六 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Where: Sequoia High School (1201 Brewster Ave, Redwood City, CA 94062)

举行第二十一届北加州华人文化体育协会“守望初心 再启新程”运动 大会,欢迎共襄盛举。

07/23 Second Harvest Food Bank

Second Harvest Food Bank Volunteer

When: 7/19, 7/26, 7/28, 7/31

Where: Second Harvest of Silicon Valley

07/10/22 Community Service


When:7/10/2022 星期天 9:00 to 11:00 AM

Where:Iris Chang Park (张纯如纪念公园) 600 Epic Way, San Jose, CA 95134 https://www.google.com/search?q=iris+chang+park&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari

这是加州Adopt a Park 的项目,每月一次在Iris Chang纪念公园里的做定期清理和维护工作,所有工具由当地政府提供。

历史的传承不仅仅只是从书本上学来,更多的是从行动中做起,Adopt a park项目是张纯如的双亲和一群敬佩和怀念张纯如的朋友们发起的的,翰林青年部将参与这项活动并使其持久地开展下去。

欢迎大家一起参加这项活动,周日早晨9:00请自带手套,扫帚或其它清理工具,活动主办人会准备垃圾袋,捡垃圾的夹子,簸箕, 及剪枝剪子,活动预计在两小时内结束,学生义工会获得社区服务义工时数。      

 翰林青年部此次活动 联络人:王蕾 (925) 350-1611

WeChat Image_20220712160204

05/20/22 News Report


04/06/19 Alzheimer’s Forum

On April 6th 2019, I worked as a volunteer for the Alzheimer’s Forum. I was really happy to have this experience.
We first welcomed the elders that came and lead them to the sign in area. While that happened, two people went to pass out water to the volunteers. We moved chairs to the back for the people need extra seats and then helped pass out flyers to the people in the auditorium. During the break we directed the audience towards the bathroom and reminded them that they could not bring food into the auditorium. After the forum was done, we collected their questionnaires. When everyone left, we put all the tables and chairs back into storage and gathered all the trash. We then loaded everything into the car and closed the venue.
This was a really fulfilling day for me. I am really looking forward to coming back next year.
– Frank Shau
The 13th Annual Chinese Alzheimer’s Forum was an event that I volunteered at on the 6th of April, 2019. At this event I acted as one of the volunteers who not only helped set up all the booths in the beginning but also greeted the guests at the front door, directing them to where they were supposed to go as well. I also helped to distribute pamphlets and folders to guests who needed them during the seminar, which was delivered near the latter portion of this event.
Speaking of the seminar, several medical experts were invited to this event to talk about Alzheimer’s Disease. This resulted in the spreading of awareness of the disease as a whole, albeit probably on a small scale. I feel like Alzheimer’s Disease is usually underestimated and simply looked at as a memory loss, but in reality this disease has such a more profound impact that not many people realize until they or their family member actually develops this disease.
This was probably my favorite volunteer event to participate in so far. I was able to sharpen my social skills, make new friends, and gain some more experience serving the public. Socializing with other people, particularly those in a higher age group, is something that I am not particularly fluent at. Even if it is just a small “Hello” or “Welcome,” I still feel like this experience has greatly benefited me in my people skills. Volunteering at this event also just made me feel warm in general since I know that I returned the favor to the past generations by helping them with their elderly needs.
– Daniel Hong

02/09/19 Spring Festival Couplets

On February 9, 2019, BRI organized an event with Shin Shin Youth Group, Hanlin Youth Group, and LEO Club at the San Francisco General Library to write Spring Festival couplets in celebration of the Year of the Pig. BRI invited Mr. Qingnian Tang, an artist and art critic, to teach everyone how to write the couplets.
Betty Yuan, the Chairman of Hanlin Education Foundation of America, wrote the first couplets with her grandchildren. People of many races came to write the couplets, and learned a lot about Chinese writing and culture from the event. The spring festival couplets helped revive people’s interest in Chinese writing and their appreciation for Chinese culture.
– Heidi Wang
– Betty Yuan

01/26/19 BRI SV Youth Forum

On Saturday, January 26, I went to San Mateo to help set up for the BRI Silicon Valley Youth Forum, setting up chairs and organizing the snacks and water. As people started to file in, I helped facilitate check in, collecting the names and emails of those who attended. Pretty soon, many of the speakers showed up, making everything seem more real. Finally, the time came. The seats were almost full, and there was an excited energy in the room. The event started with a few speakers who were entrepreneurs, telling their story, the trials that they went through, and how they overcame them. Then, it was time for Andrew Yang, a presidential candidate representing the Democratic Party for 2020, to speak. He not only told his story and failures as an entrepreneur, but he also highlighted the reasons he wanted to run for president. He went into detail about his organization, Venture for America, and his inspiration behind it. After hearing him talk, I felt so inspired, almost like I could do anything I set my mind to! Then, a panel started with all the speakers, which included Andrew Yang, David Wang, Sanjeev Saxena, and Chuck Ng, and it gave people the chance to ask questions. At the end of the event, we were given the chance to meet Andrew Yang, an opportunity I took without question. This event gave me we opening insight into entrepreneurship, something that I hadn’t known much about before or looked into. Not only that, but it showed how Asian Americans were starting to make an impact in society, demonstrated by the initiative to run for president of the United States.
– Reported by Stephanie Sun

01/01/19 New Year’s Meeting

On Jan 1, 2019, Chinese-American students and community leaders met at the Fang Libangqin Foundation Conference Hall to discuss the contributions of Chinese-American groups in the past year, and how to build solidarity in the Chinese-American community in the new year. The meeting was hosted by the founder of Bridge Road International Foundation (BRI), Betty Yuan. Many Chinese community leaders attended the meeting and spoke about their experiences. Representatives from Chinese organizations were also invited, and they spoke about their organizations’ missions. Then, students and community leaders spoke about their perspectives on topics regarding the Chinese-American community. Finally, the students were given t-shirts with the leaders’ signatures on them from BRI as keepsakes to remember the meeting. Through this meeting, I learned a lot about the political process and the point of view of the previous generation.
– Reported by Heidi Wang

12/23/18 College Student Lecture

On December 23, 2018, the Hanlin Youth Department and the Silicon Valley Women’s Youth Department launched a small lecture for high school students. It was at Burson-Martsteller Center. I went to this event to listen to the lecture because I was a high school student. Two young college freshmen talked about 3 main topics. The topics were: how to prepare for college; how to do a good job as a college freshman; and how to spend your junior year and senior year in high school and be a successful college freshman. I learned a lot about the stress and the pressure of a college freshman. Even though I was just a freshman in high school, I still wanted to prepare for this pressure of a junior in high school.
The 2 guest speakers were: Mawyuan Lee, who went to Valley Christian High School, and now attends Washington University in St. Louis, and Carolyn Ge, who went to Mission San Jose High School, and now attends Harvard University. This lecture helped me a lot in setting my priorities straight. I learned that keeping a journal or planner to keep track of things was important. I learned to balance everything out. Keep the activities that you love most on top before school and grades, of course. I learned that my mental health needs to be controlled and I have to stay stress free. The two speakers talked about managing your homework time, talking about taking a break every hour or so and resting for 30 minutes, to read a book or look on your phone. They talked about not comparing yourself to others, because they might have the same stress as you do, trying your best, and going at your own pace. It is okay to be a little behind on some things because you are not yet ready for that concept or level of difficulty yet. They also reminded us that even though the SAT and the ACT are very important, your health is still number 1. No matter how important this test or grade is, you have to think of how much you sleep first, and most importantly your health. They talked about being proactive, about asking for help and building bonds with your teachers and counselors.
All the things they talked about helped form who they are today. Their lecture helped me think a lot about my priorities, about what’s most important and what’s least important.
– Reported by Olivia Song

10/07/18 Marketing Seminar

I attended Andreas Ramos’ marketing and business speech on Oct 7, 2019. Even though I wasn’t able to listen to a portion of the speech due to working on the front desk, it was still a good experience nonetheless. I was able to learn and enhance skills regarding quickly managing money, knowing where to focus to get a job after my education, and marketing in general. I now feel like I am ready to deal with the outside world after I escape the safe bubble of still being in school and not having to completely focus on my future. The speech will be vital for me if I decide to get into marketing, since it would make me becoming successful much easier than if I had not participated in it.
– Reported by Channing Dong